Lessons Rewind: Episode 88
The lessons shared on my show are so important which is why I am started a Lessons Rewind blog series to revisit these learning experiences. In Episode 88, Matt discusses how negative behaviors and thought processes greatly influenced his approach to outdoor adventuring and mountaineering, ultimately leading to his fall on South Maroon Bell. His takeaways from this fall included:
Lesson 1: Ego in Ski Mountaineering
Matt was always obsessed with chasing the next big thing and trying many high-risk, committing lines. This led to him moving from mountain to mountain without taking time to review and honestly assess his performance. It’s okay to take time between big objectives and it is important to debrief after each excursion. Ask yourself: Are you missing any skills for next time? What went right? What could be improved on? Were there any mistakes to learn from for next time?
Lesson 2: Normalization of High Risk
As Matt began to ski more committing lines, his confidence and skills began to grow. It also led to becoming complacent during high-risk situations. As we have discussed before, an invincibility mindset can lead to pushing your personal limits and potentially taking unnecessary risks. Every backcountry adventure should be approached with vigilance, respect, and the knowledge that anything can happen to anyone.
Lesson 3: External Validation and Motives
Everyone at some point in their lives looks for external validation. Matt discusses how he started skiing later in life and always sought to impress his friends with larger, more high-risk skis. No is immune from this type of behavior. The key is recognizing when it is occurring and making sure that pressure for external validation isn’t affecting your decision making. If your gut is telling you not to go for it, don’t.